Author: Alan Petersen
Canva for Authors
Canva for authors in real time (watch video below). I’ll be sharing another author tool which I find indispensable for my author business and that’s…
How to Edit PSD Files Without Photoshop
How to edit photoshop PSD files without Photoshop.
Query Rejections
Last update on querying literary agents.
Manuscript Proofreading in Real Time
Manuscript proofreading video in real time…
Writing Cozy Mysteries (Update)
Writing cozy mysteries update: I’m excited to share this update on my October writing challenge to write the fifth book in my cozy mystery series…
Pacemaker Planner Review & October Writing Challenge Update
My October writing challenge to write a cozy mystery novel in 31 days is going well. I hit the 63% mark of my goal on…
Writing a Cozy Mystery Book in 31 Days
Writing a cozy mystery book in 31 days starts on October 1…
Word Count Tracker Spreadsheet for 2022
2022 Word Count Tracker Spreadsheet is now available!
Query Tracker Review
Here is my Query Tracker Review. Watch the video review where I get in a lot more detail, showing you how I’m using Query Tracker…
3 Tools to Build Your Agent Query List
This is part of my #amquerying How to Query Agents video series as I prepare to query agents for my crime thriller I’ve been building…