Category: Book Marketing

How does amazon attribution work
2 1643
Posted in Book Marketing Videos

How Does Amazon Attribution Work for Author’s Facebook Ads

How does amazon attribution work for authors? It’s a question that I’ve seen asked a lot about the indie author Facebook groups and forums. In…

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Ad tracking for Facebook ads
1 1833
Posted in Audiobooks Book Marketing Videos

Ad Tracking for Facebook Ads with Aweber

I ran a list-building campaign by giving away an Audible Promo Code for my the audiobook version of my spy thriller The Asset. I used…

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1 2422
Posted in Book Marketing My Books Video Tips

Link Ebook and Paperback on Amazon

In this video, you can watch how I link ebook and paperback on Amazon. This is very easy to do, thanks to the great support…

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BookBub Author Profile
0 2670
Posted in Book Marketing Tips Videos

BookBub Author Profile Fixing Errors in My Books Section

BookBub Author Profile The BookBub Author Profile is a valuable piece of online real estate that BookBub offers you, for free. Even if they keep…

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Import emails to Aweber
0 2012
Posted in Book Marketing Videos

Import Emails to Aweber

Import emails to Aweber (or MailChimp or whatever you’re using as your email marketing software) is a very easy process as you can see from this video…

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Customized Amazon Gift Cards
0 3098
Posted in Book Marketing Tips Videos

Customized Amazon Gift Cards

Customized Amazon Gift Cards are a great way to send out gift cards to winners of your author giveaways or to send out review copies….

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Book cover designers
2 3383
Posted in Book Cover Design Book Marketing

Book Cover Designers

I’m getting to the stage of my WIP where I’m starting to think about the cover which then leads me to start thinking about book…

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ISBN Number Example
0 1260
Posted in Book Marketing Self Publishing Video Tips Videos

The End of the CreateSpace Custom ISBN

CreateSpace Custom ISBN CreateSpace Custom ISBN option is no longer available. In 2014, I posted a step-by-step video tutorial (in real time as I prepared…

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