Link Ebook and Paperback on Amazon

In this video, you can watch how I link ebook and paperback on Amazon. This is very easy to do, thanks to the great support offered by Amazon Author Central.

Createspace paperback version of Odd Jobs book

Paperback Version of my Book

Here is my the paperback version of my book which I set up using Amazon’s CreateSpace (watch my video on how to do that with CreateSpace). It’s a great feeling to hold a book you’ve been working on for a long time in your hands! But once that feeling passes it’s time to link ebook and paperback on Amazon.
I’m not sure if Amazon eventually does this or not (if they do it must take a long time), so I just contact Amazon Author Central support right away and within hours the ebook and paperback versions of my book are linked on Amazon which is very important. I cover all that in the video down below.

Link Ebook and Paperback on Amazon – How to Video

I'm a full-time Internet marketer and infopreneur and an aspiring fiction writer. Blogging about my fiction writing at Fictive Universe.

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