Category: Writing Fiction
Posts about my experiences writing fiction.
Lester Dent Master Plot Formula for Plottr
Lester Dent was an American pulp-fiction author from the 30s, 40, and 50s, best known as the creator and main author of the series of…
Progress Report Sales & WIP
It’s been awhile since I’ve posted a progress report or blogged, but I’ve been busy writing. To paraphrase successful indie authors CJ Lyons and JA Konrath, the…
My Fiction Writing in 2012-2013
Almost a week into 2013, so I thought it was a good time to reflect on 2012 and what’s coming for 2013 with my fiction…
Met My Writing Goal!
I’m very excited to announce that I just hit my word count goal for my second book! When I started writing my second book, I…
Latest Progress Report
I know, I know, I’m late! It’s been awhile! I haven’t been keeping up with my progress reports on my writing. As I reported in…
I Wrote a Book
It hasn’t been self published yet. Aside from my editor and yours truly, no one has read it. But none of that matters right now….
Long Over Due Progress Report
Sorry about the lack of updates on the blog. I was busy writing so I could finish my book. Throw in my work as an…
Progress Report for Last Month (August 15 – September 19)
Well it’s been a month since my last progress report and it hasn’t been a good month! I wrote 3,500 since my last progress…
Progress Report for Week of August 15
Ah, what a difference a week makes! I’m very happy with this week’s progress report… I wrote over 14,000 words…
Progress Report for Week of July 25th & August 8th
It’s been a rough two weeks in my writing endeavors. On the personal front, it’s been good news since we finally bought a house here…