Category: Querying Agents

3 1120
Posted in On Writing Querying Agents

Query Rejections

Last update on querying literary agents.

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1 3226
Posted in Querying Agents Software Review Videos

Query Tracker Review

Here is my Query Tracker Review. Watch the video review where I get in a lot more detail, showing you how I’m using Query Tracker…

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4 1032
Posted in Querying Agents Videos

3 Tools to Build Your Agent Query List

This is part of my #amquerying How to Query Agents video series as I prepare to query agents for my crime thriller I’ve been building…

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How to query agents in 2021
6 823
Posted in Querying Agents

How to Find Agents to Query

I’m sharing my current agent query process (the good, the bad, and the ugly) so make sure to sign up to my newsletter to be…

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