Tag: Writing Tools

4 1776
Posted in Videos Writing Tools

Cold Turkey Micromanager Review

Cold Turkey Micromanager Review video below. Cold Turkey Manager Review with Scrivener My review of the Cold Turkey Micromanager app that uses whitelisted windows on…

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Word Count Tracker
5 4145
Posted in Word Count Tracker 2019 Word Count Tracker Spreadsheet Writing Tools

Word Count Tracking Spreadsheet 2019

UPDATE FOR 2021! I have updated the Word Count Tracking spreadsheet for 2021 and it’s now available by clicking here. The 2019 Word Count Tracking…

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Distraction Free Writing with Cold Turkey Writing
0 1650
Posted in On Writing Video Tips Videos Writing Tools

Distraction Free Writing

Distraction free writing can easily be achieved by using a free software program that blocks you from accessing all of the time-sucking distractions on your…

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1 5365
Posted in Spreadsheets Videos Word Count Tracker Spreadsheet

2018 Word Count Tracking Spreadsheet – Updated for 2019

Update: 2019 Word Count Tracker is now available here: https://www.fictiveuniverse.com/WTC2019 2018 word count tracking spreadsheet for writers is now available! I’ve written about word count…

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Scrivener Video Tutorial
0 872
Posted in Scrivener Tips Scrivener Tutorial Video Tips

Scrivener Tutorial: Research

For an in-depth review of the Scrivener software (the best writing software tool out there) please go to my “Scrivener Review” page. Below you’ll find my…

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