Tag: Video Review

1 919
Posted in Graphic Design Marketing Videos

Royalty Free Images for Book Covers and More

As indie authors, we’re always in need of royalty free images for book covers and more. We need affordable quality royalty free images for our…

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4 1583
Posted in Video Tips Videos

Happy Scribe Review

HappyScribe review featuring video and step-by-step screenshots of the transcription software in action.

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4 1776
Posted in Videos Writing Tools

Cold Turkey Micromanager Review

Cold Turkey Micromanager Review video below. Cold Turkey Manager Review with Scrivener My review of the Cold Turkey Micromanager app that uses whitelisted windows on…

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Distraction Free Writing with Cold Turkey Writing
0 1650
Posted in On Writing Video Tips Videos Writing Tools

Distraction Free Writing

Distraction free writing can easily be achieved by using a free software program that blocks you from accessing all of the time-sucking distractions on your…

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