Category: Marketing

1 917
Posted in Graphic Design Marketing Videos

Royalty Free Images for Book Covers and More

As indie authors, we’re always in need of royalty free images for book covers and more. We need affordable quality royalty free images for our…

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0 2353
Posted in Marketing Video Tips Videos

Google Search Console for Beginners

Google search console for beginners including integration with the Yoast SEO WordPress Plugin. These are must-have free tools for your author website. In this video…

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Check Affiliate Link
0 1938
Posted in Marketing Video Tips Videos Wordpress for Authors

Check Affiliate Link

Check affiliate link video for down in this post. Quick lowdown on affiliate links This post is about affiliate marketing, but it’s something that authors…

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Google Search Results for Authors
0 1071
Posted in Marketing Videos

Fixing Google Search Results

Fixing Google search results is pretty straightforward and I show you how to do that in this video: Background About Fixing Google Search Results If…

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