Hitting That Brick Wall

 I’m nearing the halfway point of my new book, “She’s Gone”. More details about my new book soon. In this post I want to talk about hitting that proverbial brick wall.

I was clipping along nicely writing 1,000-2,000 words per day, then a few days ago, I just got all hung up and couldn’t write. It wasn’t “writer’s block”. I have my whole story outlined. I know who lives, who dies, who does what (characters sometimes go on their direction but basically I know my story). But I just felt like I couldn’t get my hands or head around this scene I was writing.

It felt like a massive info dump versus story telling and my writing progress came to a screeching a halt. I even questioned if this was a good story, should I continue to write it or chuck it? All these thoughts bouncing off inside my head preventing me from writing.

The first couple days, I just couldn’t get going with my writing. The next few days, I took a break. I wrote other things (my blogs for example), but I let this bad boy rest. It was a way of clearing my head. After three days, I got back at it and the reboot worked! I was back on track. The internal issues I had with the story worked themselves up and I was able to get back to it with joy.

I had ingrained my daily writing goals to the point of making myself crazy when I couldn’t meet my goal. The best thing I did was to let it rest for a few days. That has been a valuable lesson for me as a new writer of fiction. Okay, back to writing my new book.

I'm a full-time Internet marketer and infopreneur and an aspiring fiction writer. Blogging about my fiction writing at Fictive Universe.

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