Tag: writing goals

New Year 2013 Indie Publishing
0 900
Posted in General Writing Fiction

My Fiction Writing in 2012-2013

Almost a week into 2013, so I thought it was a good time to reflect on 2012 and what’s coming for 2013 with my fiction…

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Progress Report
0 865
Posted in On Writing Progress Report Writing Fiction

Met My Writing Goal!

I’m very excited to announce that I just hit my word count goal for my second book! When I started writing my second book, I…

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0 926
Posted in On Writing

The Editing Process Excuse

I’ve been stuck on the editing process for my first fiction book for months now. It’s a process that has taken a lot longer than…

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0 817
Posted in On Writing

Writing Goals Compatible with Word Count?

There was recently a thread started on the KB Writer’s Cafe about writer’s putting too much emphasis on word count. The thread was meant to…

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0 1103
Posted in On Writing

Hitting That Brick Wall

 I’m nearing the halfway point of my new book, “She’s Gone”. More details about my new book soon. In this post I want to talk…

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Progress Report
0 843
Posted in Progress Report Writing Fiction

Latest Progress Report

 I know, I know, I’m late! It’s been awhile! I haven’t been keeping up with my progress reports on my writing. As I reported in…

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Progress Report
0 649
Posted in Progress Report Writing Fiction

Progress Report for Week of August 15

Ah, what a difference a week makes! I’m very happy with this week’s progress report…           I wrote over 14,000 words…

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Progress Report
0 684
Posted in Progress Report Writing Fiction

Progress Report for Week of July 18th

   As I write this blog post, I’m at 38,387 words of my book. I wrote 8,207 words since last week’s progress report.  My goal…

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Progress Report
0 822
Posted in Progress Report Writing Fiction

Progress Report

I wanted to share what’s going to be an on going feature here at Fictive Universe. Every Monday, I’ll be posting on the blog my…

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