How to Remove Book From KDP Bookshelf

Happy to be able to remove book from KDP.

Finally! A long, often requested feature from Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing account is to remove a book from our KDP Bookshelf account.

Until recently, this was not possible. Even if you unpublished a book, it sat there on the KDP Bookshelf cluttering up space forever!

I started self-publishing on KDP in 2012 and had some trial-and-error books that I long ago unpublished and never plan to make public again. So it was annoying to see those books sitting there on my KDP Bookshelf cluttering it up. So yes, I’m very excited that I can now archive those books away so I don’t have to see them in my KDP account.

How to Remove Books from KDP

Now we can archive those old books, so they’re not cluttering our account. Watch this short video to see how easy it’s to archive those old books from the KDP Bookshelf.

I'm a full-time Internet marketer and infopreneur and an aspiring fiction writer. Blogging about my fiction writing at Fictive Universe.

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