Author Website with Divi

Author Website with Divi

Divi Themes for Authors

In this video tutorial, I’ll show how to create an eye-catching author website with Divi.

Divi is the flagship WordPress Theme from the folks over at Elegant Themes. They create some stunning looking WordPress themes.

Divi is an easy to use drag-and-drop WordPress theme. Elegant Themes makes it even easier for DIY indie authors to create stunning websites without having to spend hundreds and even thousands of dollars by paying a developer to do what you can do yourself with a few clicks and by dragging and dropping already done for you modules from the Divi Layout for Book Authors pack.

The Divi Layout Pack for Book Authors comes with seven beautiful layouts for you to use. All you need to do is swap out the placeholder images and text with your own and voilà, you’ll have a beautiful author website in minutes.

Divi is Crazy Customizable

Divi Theme for AuthorsAs you’ll see from watching the video, once you set up the author layouts, you’ll be ready for primetime, but with a little more elbow grease and by not being afraid to experiment and learn you can customize the heck out of your author website. That’s the beauty of Divi and why it’s worth the price of admission. As a member of Elegant Themes you don’t just have access to the Divi WordPress themes but to dozens of other premium WordPress themes. In addition to hundreds of premade layouts and some awesome member-only plugins for WordPress like Bloom Plugin which is like giving your email marketing service a shot of steroids.

Watch the video below as I use the Divi Layout for Book Authors pack to create an author website with Divi using their premade layouts.

A note of warning, I was doing this in real-time for my own author website so the video went long at over twenty-five minutes.

Divi WordPress Theme

I'm a full-time Internet marketer and infopreneur and an aspiring fiction writer. Blogging about my fiction writing at Fictive Universe.

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