Progress Report on my WIP

Progress Report

The writing has been clicking along nicely on my current WIP (Work in Progress). I set a goal of 80,000 words and as of today, I’m at 68,135 words!

Progress Report on Latest BookIt’s an exciting stage of the writing process, since the plot is coming along nicely and I’m in “wrap up” mode as the story comes to an end.

There was a period where I felt stuck, which is frustrating as hell! It’s a great feeling to get over that hump and to once again be able to write and write and write. 🙂

The last week I’ve been averaging 2,500 words per day on my WIP. I should be able to wrap this up in the next week or so. Not sure if I’ll hit or exceed my goal of 80,000 words, but I’ll be close. The word count is just that, a goal. I don’t live or die by it. The story takes me where it takes me. 70,000, 79,999, or 100,000 words, I don’t worry too much about the final word count. The word goal does help me keep on track with my writing goals.

In my next post, I’ll share a little more about the plot of my second book and the title. So come stay tuned for that post.


I'm a full-time Internet marketer and infopreneur and an aspiring fiction writer. Blogging about my fiction writing at Fictive Universe.

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