Tag: progress report

Progress Report
0 913
Posted in Progress Report Writing Fiction

Progress Report Sales & WIP

It’s been awhile since I’ve posted a progress report or blogged, but I’ve been busy writing. To paraphrase successful indie authors CJ Lyons and JA Konrath, the…

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Progress Report
0 687
Posted in Progress Report Writing Fiction

Long Over Due Progress Report

Sorry about the lack of updates on the blog. I was busy writing so I could finish my book. Throw in my work as an…

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Progress Report
0 700
Posted in Progress Report Writing Fiction

Progress Report for Week of July 25th & August 8th

It’s been a rough two weeks in my writing endeavors. On the personal front, it’s been good news since we finally bought a house here…

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Progress Report
0 822
Posted in Progress Report Writing Fiction

Progress Report

I wanted to share what’s going to be an on going feature here at Fictive Universe. Every Monday, I’ll be posting on the blog my…

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