Tag: book marketing

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Posted in Book Marketing

Facebook Ads to Promote Your Fiction Book

Marketing Your Book with Facebook Ads (Part Two of Four). As I mentioned in part one of my Facebook Ads case study, I suggest you…

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0 1110
Posted in Book Marketing

Facebook Ads for Indie Authors

I’ve been wanting to learn how to use Facebook Ads to promote my book, The Asset. Facebook Ads are paid messages. You’ve probably seen those little…

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When Book Launch Goes Bad
0 1006
Posted in Book Marketing

When Book Launch Plans Go Bust

Last week my book, The Asset, was finally live on Amazon. I began to go through my book launch checklist to begin to promote it,…

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0 1094
Posted in Book Marketing

Selling Books Takes Salesmanship

There is no doubt about it. Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing has changed the publishing world and revolutionized self publishing. Even one of the big old…

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0 831
Posted in Self Publishing Videos

NCBPMA July Event: Introduction to Self Publishing

On July 31, 2012, I participated in the Northern California Book Publicity & Marketing Association‘s luncheon and panel discussion on self publishing in San Francisco….

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0 1498
Posted in Book Marketing Self Publishing

The Indie Author’s Guide to Book Cover Design

As a self published/indie author we have to be involved in every aspect of our book creation process. Including the book cover. The bad news,…

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Book Cover Design Will Be Judged
0 1207
Posted in Book Marketing

The Book Cover – You Will Be Judged

How will they click on your book on Amazon? There is an old adage that says: you can’t judge a book by its cover Although…

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0 941
Posted in Book Marketing

International Book Sales

There was a post in the “Writer’s Cafe” forum from a UK member about the possibility of losing a book sale if you just provide…

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