Tag: ACX

8 3426
Posted in Audiobooks Videos

ACX Scams: Rights Holder Fraud

ACX has a problem with scammers stealing audiobook rights…

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0 899
Posted in Audiobooks

Audiobook First Month

I’ve been chronicling the process of turning my book, The Asset, into an audiobook during my ACX Audiobook Case Study. The Asset audiobook has been…

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0 1057
Posted in Audiobooks Book Marketing

Audiobook Production with ACX Case Study (Part Seven)

As I’ve been walking you through the audiobook production process with ACX we get to the last step: ACX validation. The validation process took longer than…

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0 1755
Posted in Audiobooks

Audiobook Production with ACX Case Study Part Six (Paying Narrator)

In part six of The Asset Audiobook Production with ACX case study, I’ll be covering paying for the audio work. Once you approve the audiobook…

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0 933
Posted in Audiobooks

Audiobook Production with ACX Part Five (Reviewing Audio Files)

In this blog post, I’ll discuss the final steps in the ACX audiobook production steps for my book, The Asset. This is where I review…

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0 994
Posted in Audiobooks

Audiobook Production with ACX Part Four (Audio Quality)

Last week my narrator began posting the completed chapters up to the ACX website for my review. It’s a very exciting stage of the process…

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ACX Audible Book Cover for The Asset
0 1521
Posted in Audiobooks Book Marketing

Audiobook Production With ACX Case Study Part Three (The Cover)

I was under the incorrect assumption (yes I know all about what “assumes” spells) that I could just use my book cover to be used…

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0 772
Posted in Audiobooks Book Marketing Videos

Audiobook Production with ACX Case Study (Part Two)

Part two of my audiobook production process of my book, The Asset. I’m using Amazon’s ACX. This blog post is about the audition steps to…

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0 1210
Posted in Audiobooks Book Marketing

Audiobook Production with ACX Case Study (Part I)

I have been very impressed with the overwhelming positive feedback from indie authors who have published an audiobook version of their books. It’s a great…

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